Tuesday, February 26, 2013

{Book #3}: Required Reading: How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success

What Entrepreneurial Book Has Most Influenced Your Business Outlook & Approach?

We are making our way down a list of tried and true inspirational books for any person in business for themselves. An entrepreneur not only possesses unique qualities and talents which spur them on to pursue the impossible; an entrepreneur actually gains momentum by facing such challenges and adversity, because of their inbuilt desire to pursue dreams and make them reality.  

To recap, the first two books recommended in this must-read list are The World Is Flat by Thomas L. Friedman and Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.  

Written back in 1949, this is considered a classic motivational book on selling. Bettger faced many disappointments and failures in his business pursuits, but he points out three very basic, but simple and true, foundational principles: You can't collect commission until you close the deal; You can't close the deal until you set up the face-to-face meeting; You can't set up the face-to-face meeting until you make the call - yes, the dreaded call that all salespeople must make but absolutely avoid at all costs. What keeps us from consistently practicing these three actions? Fear. Bettger addresses ways to overcome such fears and move forward in confidence.

He not only gives practical ways to win over skeptical or resistant clients, but he also presents a strong work ethic, encouraging business people to gain success, not merely by serving themselves and their own personal agendas, but by truly listening to the needs and desires of others. Because of his own personal experiences with business failures and then success, it is a must-read for anyone who needs encouragement and renewed enthusiasm in their sales approach.

What is your go-to principle or practice to pick yourself up after you've experienced failure?

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