Monday, July 22, 2013

Awesome Little Cyclists Deserve Safety Lights, Too!

How Young Should We Start 

Cycle Safety Education and Awareness?

If you talk to anyone who has ever loved or cared for a child, it is no surprise that safety is always their number one concern.  “Every year, about 300,000 kids go to the emergency department because of bike injuries, and at least 10,000 kids have injuries that require a few days in the hospital. Some of these injuries are so serious that children die, usually from head injuries” (

Where is the best place to begin reaching out to kids?  It is increasingly more common for local school PTA Boards to invite members of the community to help sponsor a Bike Rodeo, specifically at the elementary age level.  William Fisher Elementary PTA recognizes that “at early stages, most children are taught how to ride a bike.  One thing many children may not be taught, however, is proper safety instruction...Some of the activities at the event included bike safety courses and a "turtle race" where participants attempted to go as slow as they could while maintaining proper balance. Bike and helmet inspections were also provided.”

Rodney Crowe, the manager at the local Richardson Bike Mart Frisco, provided free bike inspections for each child participant, including assessing whether or not the child’s bike was a good fit.  

A Bike Rodeo is a great opportunity to partner with local schools and their surrounding communities to promote bike safety for children.  And what better way to get kids excited about bike safety than to distribute bright and noisy promotional items from BikeNSafetyPromos?

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